Showcase the impact of your Princeton education through your junior project, senior thesis, and other independent work.

Every A.B. student must complete a junior independent work and a senior thesis, and every B.S.E. student carries out independent research as part of the curriculum, either in the form of a year-long senior thesis or through semester-long projects. In fulfilling your independent work requirements, you will develop and demonstrate the abilities and traits that define a liberal arts education: 

  • Independence of mind and judgment
  • Engagement with a scholarly conversation about a relevant problem 
  • The capacity to pursue a subject in depth
  • The ability to design and execute a complex project
  • The skills of analysis, synthesis, and clear writing
  • The maturity and self-confidence that grow from reckoning with an intellectual challenge

Completing independent work is an exciting opportunity to develop your own slant on a body of research. It also requires planning, time-management, and connecting with advisers. There are many resources available to help, starting with your faculty thesis adviser in your academic department.

Planning Your Project