Get recognition for college-level work completed prior to matriculation and pursue studies at the level appropriate to your preparation. At Princeton, advanced placement can be earned through both outside exams and internal placement tests. The AP Credit Reference Table lists the credit and placement recommendations of academic departments which award advanced placement credit. The credit and placement policies described apply to Advanced Placement (AP), IB, A-level, and SAT subject scores. At the beginning of the fall of your first year, you will receive a report that outlines all units of advanced placement that you earned at the time of your matriculation (based on the test score reports you submitted over the summer). Review this report carefully and immediately inform your assistant dean for studies if it is inaccurate. In the middle of the term, you will receive a second report reflecting advanced placement that has been awarded during the intervening weeks via official standardized test score reports or results of Princeton departmental placement tests.Consult the Class of 2028 Academic Guide for additional details. Your residential college assistant dean for studies can answer questions and provide further guidance. Plan for Advanced Placement Earning advanced placement Individual departments award advanced placement in one or more ways:Official score reports: These include scores from Advanced Placement (AP) examinations, SAT Reasoning Tests and SAT Subject Tests, the International Baccalaureate (higher level), and British A-level examinations (see table for minimum scores accepted)Results of departmental placement tests: These are offered at Princeton in languages taught at Princeton, physics, and chemistry. You are not eligible for advanced placement credit for college courses taken prior to matriculation unless you take an approved standardized examination or a placement test. (Transfer students should follow the policies and procedures for the Transfer Program.) Approved uses of advanced placement You can use advanced placement in the following ways: To enter upper-level courses To fulfill the language requirement To become eligible for advanced standing, to graduate in three or three-and-a-half years of study To fulfill B.S.E. general requirements in math, physics, and chemistry To fulfill some requirements for majors and certificates To partially fulfill some prerequisites for medical and other health professional schools Please note that you cannot use advanced placement: To fulfill the writing requirement To make up course deficiencies To reduce your course load in a given term To fulfill the distribution requirements Advanced placement and pre-health requirements Individual medical schools and health programs have different policies regarding credit earned through advanced placement. Generally, expect to take at least one advanced course to supplement advanced placement in each science discipline. Consult with Health Professions Advising for more information. Submitting scores Submitting AP Scores The College Board reports your AP scores to Princeton only if you make that request directly to the College Board, and the College Board sends score reports directly. The scores are sent to Princeton electronically and added to your student record. Score reports are only accepted when sent directly to Princeton from the College Board. Please request a cumulative report of your test scores for all AP tests taken during high school to ensure that all scores are transmitted. To request a score report, go to the AP Grade Reporting website. If you have questions, contact AP Services. Submtting IB Scores International Baccalaureate (IB) test scores must be sent to Princeton electronically at your request. Visit the IB Program website to request an IB score report. Submitting A-Level Scores Please bring A-Level certificates to the assistant dean for studies in your residential college. Taking courses at the same level as advanced placement You can take a course for which you have advanced placement, but you forfeit the use of units of advanced placement for advanced standing if you take courses equivalent to or below those for which advanced placement was granted. For language classes, if you were awarded two units of advanced placement credit at matriculation, you forfeit the use of both units for advanced standing if you enroll in any 100-level course in the language for which credit was granted. Additional Resources B.S.E. Program Q and A Find advanced placement guidance for students in the B.S.E. program. Health Professions Advising Recommendations Find advanced placement recommendations specific to students interested in the health professions. Undergraduate Announcement Review academic regulations, programs of study, and undergraduate course offerings in this publication released each August.